A DRAMA - Cam Post

Monday, August 13, 2018


in the month of September, 185–, I arrived at Frankfort-on-the-Maine. My passage thru the important German cities had been brilliantly marked by using balloon ascents; but as but no German had observed me in my vehicle, and the satisfactory experiments made at Paris by MM. green, Eugene Godard, and Poitevin had now not tempted the grave Teutons to essay aerial voyages.

but scarcely had the news of my coming near ascent spread thru Frankfort, than three of the primary citizens begged the favour of being allowed to ascend with me. two days afterwards we had been to begin from the vicinity de los angelesComédie. I commenced right away to get my balloon geared up. It changed into of silk, prepared with gutta percha, a substance impermeable through acids or gasses; and its volume, which became 3 thousand cubic yards, enabled it to ascend to the loftiest heights.

The day of the ascent was that of the high-quality September truthful, which pulls such a lot of human beings to Frankfort. lights fuel, of a perfect best and of super lifting electricity, have been furnished to me in exceptionalcircumstance, and approximately 11 o’clock the balloon was filled; however best 3-quarters crammed,–an crucialprecaution, for, as one rises, the surroundings diminishes in density, and the fluid enclosed within the balloon, obtainingmore elasticity, would possibly burst its sides. My calculations had supplied me with exactly the amount of gas importantto hold up my companions and myself.

We have been to start at noon. The impatient crowd which pressed across the enclosed space, filling the enclosed rectangular, overflowing into the contiguous streets, and overlaying the houses from the floor-floor to the slated gables, supplied a placing scene. The high winds of the previous days had subsided. An oppressive warmth fell from the cloudless sky. Scarcely a breath lively the ecosystem. In such climate, one would possibly descend again upon the very spot whence he had risen.

I carried three hundred kilos of ballast in bags; the automobile, quite spherical, four ft in diameter, was without difficultyarranged; the hempen cords which supported it stretched symmetrically over the higher hemisphere of the balloon; the compass was in location, the barometer suspended within the circle which united the assisting cords, and the anchor carefully placed in order. All turned into now geared up for the ascent.

among individuals who pressed across the enclosure, I remarked a young man with a faded face and agitated functions. The sight of him impressed me. He changed into an eager spectator of my ascents, whom I had already met in severalGerman cities. With an uneasy air, he intently watched the curious machine, because it lay motionless some toes above the floor; and he remained silent among those approximately him.

Twelve o’clock came. the moment had arrived, but my travelling companions did now not seem.

I sent to their homes, and learnt that one had left for Hamburg, another for Vienna, and the 1/3 for London. Their couragehad failed them in the mean time of project one of those tours which, way to the capacity of residing aeronauts, are loosefrom all hazard. As they shaped, in a few sort, a part of the programme of the day, the concern had seized them that they might be forced to execute it faithfully, and they had fled a long way from the scene on the on the spot when the balloon turned into being stuffed. Their courage was obviously the inverse ratio in their pace–in decamping.

The multitude, 1/2 deceived, confirmed not a little sick-humour. I did now not hesitate to ascend alone. with a purpose tore-establish the equilibrium between the particular gravity of the balloon and the burden which had consequently proved looking, I changed my companions by more sacks of sand, and were given into the auto. The twelve guys who held the balloon by twelve cords fastened to the equatorial circle, allow them to slip a touch among their palms, and the balloon rose several ft higher. there was no longer a breath of wind, and the atmosphere turned into so leaden that it seemed to forbid the ascent.

“Is the whole thing ready?” I cried.

The men positioned themselves in readiness. A last glance informed me that i might cross.


there has been a motion inside the crowd, which appeared to be invading the enclosure.

“allow pass!”

The balloon rose slowly, but I skilled a surprise which threw me to the lowest of the auto.

when I were given up, i discovered myself head to head with an unexpected fellow-voyager,–the faded young guy.

“Monsieur, I salute you,” said he, with the utmost coolness.

“with the aid of what proper–”

“Am I here? with the aid of the right which the impossibility of your eliminating me confers.”

i used to be surprised! His calmness placed me out of countenance, and i had not anything to answer. I looked at the intruder, however he took no observe of my astonishment.

“Does my weight disarrange your equilibrium, monsieur?” he asked. “you will allow me–”

And with out anticipating my consent, he relieved the balloon of baggage, which he threw into area.

“Monsieur,” said I, taking the best course now possible, “you've got come; thoroughly, you may stay; but to me by myselfbelongs the management of the balloon.”

“Monsieur,” stated he, “your urbanity is French throughout: it comes from my own united states of america. I morally press the hand you refuse me. Make all precautions, and act as appears fine to you. i can wait till you've got executed–”

“For what?”

“to speak with you.”

The barometer had fallen to 20-six inches. We were almost six hundred yards above the city; but nothing betrayed the horizontal displacement of the balloon, for the mass of air in which it is enclosed is going forward with it. A kind ofstressed glow enveloped the items spread out beneath us, and alas obscured their outline.

I tested my companion afresh.

He become a man of thirty years, in reality clad. The sharpness of his features betrayed an indomitable power, and he seemed very muscular. indifferent to the astonishment he created, he remained motionless, attempting to differentiatethe gadgets which were vaguely pressured below us.

“depressing mist!” stated he, after some moments.

I did not respond.

“You owe me a grudge?” he went on. “Bah! I could not pay for my adventure, and it turned into necessary to take you by way of wonder.”

“no person asks you to descend, monsieur!”

“Eh, do you not know, then, that the identical aspect came about to the Counts of Laurencin and Dampierre, when theyascended at Lyons, on the 15th of January, 1784? A young service provider, named Fontaine, scaled the gallery, at thechance of capsizing the machine. He achieved the adventure, and no one died of it!”

“as soon as on the floor, we will have a proof,” answered I, piqued on the light tone in which he spoke.

“Bah! Do now not allow us to think about our go back.”

“Do you believe you studied, then, that I shall no longer hasten to descend?”

“Descend!” said he, in wonder. “Descend? let us begin by means of first ascending.”

And earlier than I should save you it, two more bags have been thrown over the auto, without even having been emptied.

“Monsieur!” cried I, in a rage.

“I recognize your potential,” answered the unknown quietly, “and your excellent ascents are famous. but if revel in is the sister of practice, she is likewise a cousin of concept, and i've studied the aerial art long. It has were given into my head!” he delivered lamentably, falling right into a silent reverie.

The balloon, having risen some distance farther, now have become desk bound. The unknown consulted the barometer, and said,–

“right here we're, at 8 hundred yards. guys are like insects. See! I assume we should usually ponder them from this height, to judge correctly of their proportions. The place de l. a. Comédie is transformed into a huge ant-hill. look at the gang which is accumulated at the quays; and the mountains also get smaller and smaller. we're over the Cathedral. the principle is only a line, reducing the city in two, and the bridge appears a thread thrown among the two banks of the river.”

The ecosystem have become fairly cold.

“there's nothing i might not do for you, my host,” stated the unknown. “if you are cold, i will take off my coat and lend it to you.”

“thank you,” stated I dryly.

“Bah! Necessity makes regulation. provide me your hand. i'm your fellow-countryman; you will research something in my corporation, and my communique will indemnify you for the problem i've given you.”

I sat down, with out replying, at the other extremity of the auto. The younger man had taken a voluminous manuscript from his wonderful-coat. It was an essay on ballooning.

“I possess,” stated he, “the most curious collection of engravings and caricatures extant regarding aerial manias. How human beings favorite and scoffed at the identical time at this valuable discovery! we're fortuitously now not in the age in which Montgolfier tried to make synthetic clouds with steam, or a gas having electric houses, produced by the combustion of wet straw and chopped-up wool.”

“Do you want to depreciate the talent of the inventors?” I requested, for I had resolved to go into into the journey. “turned into it now not desirable to have proved by using enjoy the possibility of rising inside the air?”

“Ah, monsieur, who denies the respect of the primary aerial navigators? It required giant courage to upward thrustthrough way of these frail envelopes which most effective contained heated air. however I ask you, has the aerial technology made outstanding development given that Blanchard’s ascensions, that is, given that almost a century in the past? look here, monsieur.”

The unknown took an engraving from his portfolio.

“right here,” said he, “is the primary aerial voyage undertaken by Pilâtre des Rosiers and the Marquis d’Arlandes, 4 months after the invention of balloons. Louis XVI. refused to consent to the undertaking, and guys who were condemned to loss of life have been the primary to strive the aerial ascent. Pilâtre des Rosiers became indignant at this injustice, and, with the aid of intrigues, acquired permission to make the experiment. the auto, which renders the management smooth, had no longer then been invented, and a round gallery changed into located across the lower and contracted a part of the Montgolfier balloon. the 2 aeronauts need to then continue to be immobile at every extremity of this gallery, for the wetstraw which stuffed it forbade them all movement. A chafing-dish with fire turned into suspended underneath the orifice of the balloon; when the aeronauts wanted to upward push, they threw straw upon this brazier, on the hazard of placingfire to the balloon, and the air, extra heated, gave it fresh ascending strength. the 2 formidable visitors rose, on the 21st of November, 1783, from the Muette Gardens, which the dauphin had placed at their disposal. The balloon went up majestically, surpassed over the Isle of Swans, crossed the Seine on the convention barrier, and, drifting between the dome of the Invalides and the navy faculty, approached the Church of Saint Sulpice. Then the aeronauts delivered to the hearth, crossed the street, and descended beyond the Enfer barrier. as it touched the soil, the balloon collapsed, and for some moments buried Pilâtre des Rosiers beneath its folds.”

“unfortunate augury,” I stated, interested by the tale, which affected me nearly.

“An augury of the disaster which turned into later to value this unfortunate man his existence,” spoke back the unknown lamentably. “have you in no way skilled anything find it irresistible?”

“in no way,”

“Bah! Misfortunes every so often arise unforeshadowed!” brought my companion.

He then remained silent.

in the meantime we had been advancing southward, and Frankfort had already handed from below us.

“perhaps we will have a hurricane,” stated the young man.

“we will descend earlier than that,” I replied.

“certainly! it is higher to ascend. we shall get away it more truely.”

And two greater baggage of sand had been hurled into area.

The balloon rose rapidly, and stopped at twelve hundred yards. I became colder; and but the sun’s rays, falling upon the surface, accelerated the gas inside, and gave it a extra ascending pressure.

“worry not anything,” said the unknown. “we have nevertheless 3 thousand five hundred fathoms of respiratory air. except, do now not problem yourself about what I do.”

i might have risen, but a energetic hand held me to my seat.

“Your call?” I asked.

“My call? What topics it to you?”

“I demand your call!”

“My name is Erostratus or Empedocles, whichever you select!”

This respond become a long way from reassuring.

The unknown, besides, talked with such atypical coolness that I anxiously requested myself whom I needed to address.

“Monsieur,” he endured, “not anything authentic has been imagined for the reason that physicist Charles. 4 months after the invention of balloons, this capable guy had invented the valve, which lets in the gasoline to escape while the balloon is just too full, or whilst you want to descend; the car, which aids the control of the device; the netting, which holds the envelope of the balloon, and divides the burden over its complete floor; the ballast, which allows you to ascend, and to pick out the location of your touchdown; the india-rubber coating, which renders the tissue impermeable; the barometer, which suggests the height attained. ultimately, Charles used hydrogen, which, fourteen instances lighter than air, permitsyou to penetrate to the very best atmospheric areas, and does no longer expose you to the risks of a combustion in the air. on the 1st of December, 1783, three hundred thousand spectators had been crowded across the Tuileries. Charles rose, and the soldiers supplied arms to him. He travelled nine leagues in the air, engaging in his balloon with an ability notpassed via cutting-edge aeronauts. The king offered him a pension of thousand livres; for then they endorsed new inventions.”

The unknown now seemed to be below the influence of full-size agitation.

“Monsieur,” he resumed, “i have studied this, and i am convinced that the primary aeronauts guided their balloons. without talking of Blanchard, whose assertions can be received with doubt, Guyton-Morveaux, with the aid of the aid of oars and rudder, made his gadget solution to the helm, and take the route he decided on. more recently, M. Julien, a watchmaker, made some convincing experiments at the Hippodrome, in Paris; for, through a unique mechanism, his aerial equipment, rectangular in shape, went visibly towards the wind. It occurred to M. Petin to place 4 hydrogen balloons together; and, by sails hung horizontally and partially folded, he hopes for you to disturb the equilibrium, and, thereforeinclining the equipment, to deliver it in an indirect course. They speak, additionally, of forces to conquer the resistance of currents,–as an example, the screw; but the screw, running on a portable centre, will provide no result. I, monsieur, have observed the best manner of guiding balloons; and no academy has come to my aid, no town has filled up subscriptions for me, no government has notion match to concentrate to me! it is infamous!”

The unknown gesticulated fiercely, and the car underwent violent oscillations. I had a lot problem in calming him.

in the meantime the balloon had entered a more fast modern-day, and we advanced south, at fifteen hundred yards above the earth.

“See, there is Darmstadt,” stated my companion, leaning over the automobile. “Do you understand the château? not very tremendously, eh? What might you have? the heat of the hurricane makes the outline of gadgets waver, and also youneed to have a professional eye to apprehend localities.”

“Are you certain it's far Darmstadt?” I asked.

“i am certain of it. we are now six leagues from Frankfort.”

“Then we must descend.”

“Descend! you will not go down, at the steeples,” said the unknown, with a laugh.

“No, however within the suburbs of the metropolis.”

“properly, let us avoid the steeples!”

So speakme, my accomplice seized some luggage of ballast. I hastened to prevent him; but he overthrew me with one hand, and the unballasted balloon ascended to two thousand yards.

“relaxation easy,” stated he, “and don't forget that Brioschi, Biot, gay-Lussac, Bixio, and Barral ascended to nonethelessmore heights to make their medical experiments.”

“Monsieur, we have to descend,” I resumed, attempting to influence him by means of gentleness. “The storm is accumulating around us. it might be more prudent–”

“Bah! we will mount better than the typhoon, and then we shall not worry it!” cried my partner. “what is nobler than to overlook the clouds which oppress the earth? Is it now not an honour accordingly to navigate on aerial billows? The bestmen have travelled as we are doing. The Marchioness and Countess de Montalembert, the Countess of Podenas, Mademoiselle los angeles Garde, the Marquis de Montalembert, rose from the Faubourg Saint-Antoine for those unknown areas, and the Duke de Chartres exhibited a whole lot talent and presence of mind in his ascent on the fifteenth of July, 1784. At Lyons, the Counts of Laurencin and Dampierre; at Nantes, M. de Luynes; at Bordeaux, D’Arbelet des Granges; in Italy, the Chevalier Andreani; in our own time, the Duke of Brunswick,–have all left the traces of their glory in the air. To identical these outstanding personages, we should penetrate nonetheless higher than they into the celestial depths! To method the countless is to recognize it!”

The rarefaction of the air changed into speedy increasing the hydrogen inside the balloon, and that i noticed its lowerpart, purposely left empty, swell out, so that it became sincerely important to open the valve; but my associate did no longer appear to mean that I ought to control the balloon as I wished. I then resolved to pull the valve wire secretly, as he become excitedly speaking; for I feared to bet with whom I had to deal. it'd have been too terrible! It was nearly 1 / 4earlier than one. We had been long past 40 minutes from Frankfort; heavy clouds have been coming in opposition to the wind from the south, and seemed approximately to burst upon us.

“have you lost all desire of succeeding in your undertaking?” I asked with annoying hobby.

“All desire!” exclaimed the unknown in a low voice. “Wounded by using slights and caricatures, those asses’ kicks have completed me! it is the eternal punishment reserved for innovators! look at those caricatures of all periods, of which my portfolio is complete.”

even as my associate was fumbling with his papers, I had seized the valve-cord without his perceiving it. I feared, but, that he might listen the hissing noise, like a water-direction, which the gas makes in escaping.

“how many jokes have been made approximately the Abbé Miolan!” said he. “He become to head up with Janninet and Bredin. all through the filling their balloon stuck hearth, and the ignorant populace tore it in pieces! Then this cool animated film of ‘curious animals’ appeared, giving every of them a punning nickname.”

I pulled the valve-cord, and the barometer started out to ascend. It become time. some far-off rumblings have been heard inside the south.

“here is any other engraving,” resumed the unknown, not suspecting what i was doing. “it's miles a massive balloon sporting a ship, robust castles, homes, and so on. The caricaturists did now not suspect that their follies would somedaybecome truths. it's far entire, this big vessel. at the left is its helm, with the pilot’s container; on the prow are satisfaction-homes, a giant organ, and a cannon to name the eye of the inhabitants of the earth or the moon; above the poop there are the observatory and the balloon lengthy-boat; inside the equatorial circle, the army barrack; at the left, the funnel; then the higher galleries for promenading, sails, pinions; beneath, the cafés and general storehouse. observe this pompous announcement: ‘Invented for the happiness of the human race, this globe will depart at once for the ports of the Levant, and on its return the programme of its voyages to the 2 poles and the acute west may be introduced. no one need supplyhimself with anything; the entirety is foreseen, and all will prosper. There can be a uniform rate for all places of destination, but it will likely be the equal for the most remote countries of our hemisphere–that is to mention, 1000 louis for one in every of any of the said journeys. And it have to be confessed that this sum is very moderate, whilst the rate, consolation, and arrangements in order to be loved on the balloon are taken into consideration–preparations which aren't to be found on land, at the same time as at the balloon every passenger may additionally consult his personalhabits and tastes. this is so real that in the equal area a few will be dancing, others status; some might be taking part indelicacies; others fasting. Whoever goals the society of wits might also satisfy himself; whoever is stupid may discoversilly human beings to maintain him agency. as a result delight might be the soul of the aerial organisation.’ All this provoked laughter; however earlier than long, if i am no longer reduce off, they may see all of it realized.”

We have been visibly descending. He did now not perceive it!

“This form of ‘recreation at balloons,'” he resumed, spreading out before me a number of the engravings of his treasuredseries, “this game carries the complete history of the aerostatic art. it's miles utilized by extended minds, and is performed with cube and counters, with some thing stakes you want, to be paid or acquired in line with where the playerarrives.”

“Why,” said I, “you appear to have studied the technology of aerostation profoundly.”

“yes, monsieur, yes! From Phaethon, Icarus, Architas, i have searched for, tested, learnt the entirety. I ought to render colossal services to the arena in this artwork, if God granted me life. however so that it will now not be!”


“due to the fact my name is Empedocles, or Erostratus.”

in the meantime, the balloon become happily approaching the earth; however whilst one is falling, the danger is as excellent at a hundred feet as at 5 thousand.

“Do you don't forget the war of Fleurus?” resumed my associate, whose face became increasingly more animated. “It changed into at that war that Contello, with the aid of order of the authorities, organized a enterprise of balloonists. at the siege of Manbenge preferred Jourdan derived a lot carrier from this new technique of remark that Contello ascended twice a day with the general himself. The communications among the aeronaut and his agents who held the balloon had been made by using small white, crimson, and yellow flags. regularly the gun and cannon shot had been directed upon the balloon while he ascended, however with out end result. when trendy Jourdan become preparing to make investments Charleroi, Contello went into the area, ascended from the apparent of Jumet, and persisted his observations for seven or eight hours with general Morlot, and this no question aided in giving us the victory of Fleurus. preferredJourdan publicly recounted the assist which the aeronautical observations had afforded him. properly, despite the offerings rendered on that occasion and for the duration of the Belgian marketing campaign, the yr which had seen the start of the army profession of balloons noticed additionally its give up. The faculty of Meudon, founded via the authorities, was closed with the aid of Buonaparte on his go back from Egypt. And now, what are you able to count onfrom the brand new-born little one? as Franklin said. The toddler turned into born alive; it have to not be stifled!”

The unknown bowed his head in his arms, and reflected for some moments; then raising his head, he said,–

“despite my prohibition, monsieur, you have got opened the valve.”

I dropped the wire.

“fortunately,” he resumed, “we've got nonetheless three hundred pounds of ballast.”

“what is your reason?” stated I.

“have you ever ever crossed the seas?” he requested.

I became pale.

“it is unlucky,” he went on, “that we're being pushed in the direction of the Adriatic. that is best a circulate; howeverhigher up we may also locate other currents.”

And, with out taking any word of me, he threw over numerous bags of sand; then, in a menacing voice, he said,–

“I can help you open the valve because the expansion of the fuel threatened to burst the balloon; but do no longer do it once more!”

Then he went on as follows:–

“You do not forget the voyage of Blanchard and Jeffries from Dover to Calais? It become surprising! on the 7th of January, 1785, there being a north-west wind, their balloon was inflated with gas on the Dover coast. A mistake of equilibrium, simply as they were ascending, forced them to throw out their ballast in order that they won't cross down once more, and they handiest saved thirty kilos. It was too little; for, as the wind did no longer freshen, they most effective superior very slowly in the direction of the French coast. except, the permeability of the tissue served to lessen the inflation step by step, and in an hour and a half the aeronauts perceived that they were descending.

“‘What we could do?’ stated Jeffries.

“‘we are best one sector of the manner over,’ replied Blanchard, ‘and really low down. On growing, we will possibly meet extra favourable winds.’

“‘let us throw out the rest of the sand.’

“The balloon acquired some ascending force, however it quickly started out to descend once more. toward the center of the transit the aeronauts threw over their books and tools. 1 / 4 of an hour after, Blanchard stated to Jeffries,–

“‘The barometer?’

“‘it's far going up! we're lost, and but there's the French coast.’

“a noisy noise become heard.

“‘Has the balloon burst?’ requested Jeffries.

“‘No. The lack of the fuel has decreased the inflation of the lower a part of the balloon. but we are still descending. we aremisplaced! Out with the entirety useless!’

“Provisions, oars, and rudder had been thrown into the sea. The aeronauts have been only one hundred yards excessive.

“‘we're going up once more,’ stated the medical doctor.

“‘No. it is the spurt due to the diminution of the burden, and not a deliver in sight, now not a bark on the horizon! To the ocean with our garb!’

“The unfortunates stripped themselves, but the balloon persisted to descend.

“‘Blanchard,’ said Jeffries, ‘you should have made this voyage on my own; you consented to take me; i can sacrifice myself! i am going to throw myself into the water, and the balloon, relieved of my weight, will mount once more.’

“‘No, no! it's miles frightful!’

“The balloon have become less and much less inflated, and as it doubled up its concavity pressed the fuel towards the edges, and hastened its downward route.

“‘Adieu, my friend,” said the health practitioner. ‘God preserve you!’

“He become approximately to throw himself over, while Blanchard held him lower back.

“‘there may be one more threat,’ said he. ‘we are able to cut the cords which preserve the automobile, and adhere to the net! possibly the balloon will upward thrust. let us preserve ourselves prepared. however–the barometer is going down! The wind is freshening! we're stored!’

“The aeronauts perceived Calais. Their pleasure become delirious. a few moments greater, and that they had fallen within the wooded area of Guines. I do now not doubt,” introduced the unknown, “that, under similar occasions, you wouldhave accompanied physician Jeffries’ instance!”

The clouds rolled in glittering loads below us. The balloon threw big shadows on this heap of clouds, and becamesurrounded as by means of an aureola. The thunder rumbled under the auto. All this was terrifying.

“allow us to descend!” I cried.

“Descend, while the solar is up there, watching for us? Out with greater bags!”

And more than fifty kilos of ballast have been solid over.

At a top of three thousand 5 hundred yards we remained desk bound.

The unknown talked unceasingly. i used to be in a country of complete prostration, while he appeared to be in his element.

“With a very good wind, we shall move a long way,” he cried. “inside the Antilles there are currents of air that have a velocity of 100 leagues an hour. while Napoleon turned into crowned, Garnerin despatched up a balloon with colouredlamps, at eleven o’clock at night time. The wind turned into blowing north-north-west. the subsequent morning, at daybreak, the inhabitants of Rome greeted its passage over the dome of St. Peter’s. we shall go farther and higher!”

I scarcely heard him. the whole thing whirled round me. an opening regarded in the clouds.

“See that city,” said the unknown. “it's miles Spires!”

I leaned over the auto and perceived a small blackish mass. It turned into Spires. The Rhine, that is so big, regarded an unrolled ribbon. The sky was a deep blue over our heads. The birds had lengthy deserted us, for in that rarefied air they could not have flown. We were on my own in space, and that i in presence of this unknown!

“it is vain with a purpose to recognize whither i'm main you,” he stated, as he threw the compass most of the clouds. “Ah! a fall is a grand thing! you understand that but few sufferers of ballooning are to be reckoned, from Pilâtre des Rosiers to Lieutenant Gale, and that the injuries have usually been the end result of imprudence. Pilâtre des Rosiers set out with Romain of Boulogne, on the thirteenth of June, 1785. To his gas balloon he had affixed a Montgolfier apparatus of warmair, a good way to dispense, absolute confidence, with the necessity of losing gas or throwing out ballast. It becamesetting a torch underneath a powder-barrel. after they had ascended four hundred yards, and were taken by means ofopposing winds, they had been driven over the open sea. Pilâtre, so that you can descend, essayed to open the valve, but the valve-cord became entangled inside the balloon, and tore it so badly that it have become empty in an immediately. It fell upon the Montgolfier equipment, overturned it, and dragged down the unfortunates, who were quickly shattered to portions! it is frightful, is it no longer?”

I ought to most effective respond, “For pity’s sake, allow us to descend!”

The clouds gathered around us on each facet, and dreadful detonations, which reverberated inside the cavity of the balloon, passed off beneath us.

“You initiate me,” cried the unknown, “and also you shall not recognise whether or not we are rising or falling!”

The barometer went the way of the compass, accompanied by way of several greater bags of sand. We ought to have been5000 yards high. a few icicles had already connected themselves to the sides of the automobile, and a form of nice snow seemed to penetrate to my very bones. in the meantime a frightful tempest turned into raging beneath us, however we were above it.

“Do now not be afraid,” said the unknown. “it's miles handiest the imprudent who're misplaced. Olivari, who perished at Orleans, rose in a paper ‘Montgolfier;’ his car, suspended underneath the chafing-dish, and ballasted with combustiblematerials, caught fireplace; Olivari fell, and become killed! Mosment rose, at Lille, on a mild tray; an oscillation disturbed his equilibrium; Mosment fell, and became killed! Bittorf, at Mannheim, saw his balloon seize fireplace within the air; and he, too, fell, and become killed! Harris rose in a badly constructed balloon, the valve of which became too big and wouldnot close; Harris fell, and was killed! Sadler, deprived of ballast by his long sojourn inside the air, was dragged over the town of Boston and dashed against the chimneys; Sadler fell, and was killed! Cokling descended with a convex parachute which he pretended to have perfected; Cokling fell, and changed into killed! well, i love them, these victims of their very own imprudence, and that i shall die as they did. higher! nevertheless better!”

all of the phantoms of this necrology surpassed before my eyes. The rarefaction of the air and the solar’s rays delivered to the enlargement of the gasoline, and the balloon persisted to mount. I tried automatically to open the valve, however theunknown reduce the twine numerous ft above my head. i used to be misplaced!

“Did you notice Madame Blanchard fall?” stated he. “I saw her; sure, I! i was at Tivoli at the sixth of July, 1819. Madame Blanchard rose in a small sized balloon, to keep away from the cost of filling, and she become compelled to entirely inflate it. The gas leaked out below, and left a everyday educate of hydrogen in its direction. She carried along with her a form ofpyrotechnic aureola, suspended underneath her automobile by using a twine, which she turned into to activate inside the air. This she had performed many times earlier than. on this day she also carried up a small parachute ballasted by means of a firework contrivance, that would burst off in a bath of silver. She became to begin this contrivance after having lighted it with a port-fire made on motive. She set out; the night time became gloomy. in the intervening time of lights her fireworks she turned into so imprudent as to skip the taper beneath the column of hydrogen which turned into leaking from the balloon. My eyes were constant upon her. abruptly an sudden gleam lit up the darkness. I notion she turned intomaking ready a wonder. The mild flashed out, suddenly disappeared and reappeared, and gave the summit of the balloon the form of an immense jet of ignited gas. This sinister glow shed itself over the side road and the entire Montmartre zone. Then I saw the sad girl rise, try two times to shut the appendage of the balloon, with a purpose to positioned out the fire, then sit down in her car and attempt to manual her descent; for she did now not fall. The combustion of the gas lasted for numerous mins. The balloon, turning into step by step less, persisted to descend, but it turned into not a fall. The wind blew from the north-west and drove it toward Paris. There have been then some large gardens simply with the aid of the house No. 16, Rue de Provence. Madame Blanchard essayed to fall there without risk: but the balloon and the car struck on the roof of the residence with a mild shock. ‘save me!’ cried the wretched woman. I were given into the street at this moment. the automobile slid alongside the roof, and encountered an iron cramp. At this concussion, Madame Blanchard turned into thrown out of her car and brought about upon the pavement. She turned into killed!”

those memories iced over me with horror. The unknown was status with naked head, dishevelled hair, haggard eyes!

there was not any phantasm possible. I at last recognized the terrible fact. i used to be in the presence of a madman!

He threw out the rest of the ballast, and we have to have now reached a top of at least nine thousand yards. Blood spurted from my nose and mouth!

“who are nobler than the martyrs of science?” cried the lunatic. “they're canonized by using posterity.”

however I no longer heard him. He regarded approximately him, and, bending right down to my ear, muttered,–

“And have you forgotten Zambecarri’s catastrophe? concentrate. on the 7th of October, 1804, the clouds seemed to raise a touch. on the preceding days, the wind and rain had now not ceased; however the introduced ascension of Zambecarri couldn't be postponed. His enemies have been already bantering him. It became necessary to ascend, to save the technology and himself from becoming a public jest. It became at Boulogne. no person helped him to inflate his balloon.

“He rose at midnight, followed by using Andreoli and Grossetti. The balloon set up slowly, for it had been perforated by using the rain, and the fuel become leaking out. The three intrepid aeronauts ought to handiest take a look at the kingdom of the barometer by means of aid of a dark lantern. Zambecarri had eaten not anything for twenty-four hours. Grossetti turned into additionally fasting.

“‘My buddies,’ said Zambecarri, ‘i'm triumph over by using cold, and exhausted. i'm loss of life.’

“He fell inanimate in the gallery. It became the equal with Grossetti. Andreoli by myself remained conscious. After longefforts, he succeeded in reviving Zambecarri.

“‘What news? Whither are we going? How is the wind? What time is it?’

“‘it's miles o’clock.’

“‘where is the compass?’


“‘remarkable God! The lantern has gone out!’

“‘It can not burn on this rarefied air,’ stated Zambecarri.

“The moon had not risen, and the surroundings changed into plunged in murky darkness.

“‘i am bloodless, Andreoli. What shall I do?’

“They slowly descended through a layer of whitish clouds.

“‘Sh!’ stated Andreoli. ‘Do you hear?’

“‘What?’ asked Zambecarri.

“‘A atypical noise.’

“‘you are wrong.’


“take into account those travelers, in the midnight, listening to that unaccountable noise! Are they going to knock towards a tower? Are they about to be precipitated at the roofs?

“‘Do you pay attention? One could say it changed into the noise of the ocean.’


“‘it is the groaning of the waves!’

“‘it's miles genuine.’

“‘light! mild!’

“After 5 fruitless attempts, Andreoli succeeded in obtaining light. It turned into 3 o’clock.

“The voice of violent waves changed into heard. They have been nearly touching the floor of the sea!

“‘we're misplaced!’ cried Zambecarri, seizing a big bag of sand.

“‘help!’ cried Andreoli.

“the auto touched the water, and the waves got here up to their breasts.

“‘Throw out the devices, clothes, money!’

“The aeronauts completely stripped themselves. The balloon, relieved, rose with frightful rapidity. Zambecarri wasconcerned about vomiting. Grossetti bled profusely. The unfortunate guys could not communicate, so brief was their breathing. They were fascinated about cold, and they had been soon crusted over with ice. The moon regarded as pink as blood.

“After traversing the excessive areas for a half of-hour, the balloon once more fell into the ocean. It became four inside themorning. They have been half submerged inside the water, and the balloon dragged them along, as though underneathsail, for several hours.

“At dawn they determined themselves contrary Pesaro, four miles from the coast. They had been approximately to reachit, whilst a gale blew them back into the open sea. They had been lost! The fearful boats fled at their approach. fortuitously, a extra shrewd boatman accosted them, hoisted them on board, and they landed at Ferrada.

“A frightful adventure, was it not? however Zambecarri was a brave and active man. Scarcely recovered from his sufferings, he resumed his ascensions. during certainly one of them he struck towards a tree; his spirit-lamp becomedamaged on his clothes; he became enveloped in fire, his balloon started to seize the flames, and he got here down halfconsumed.

“At remaining, at the 21st of September, 1812, he made every other ascension at Boulogne. The balloon clung to a tree, and his lamp once more set it on fire. Zambecarri fell, and became killed! And in presence of those records, we'dnonetheless hesitate! No. The higher we move, the extra wonderful could be our demise!”

The balloon being now totally relieved of ballast and of all it contained, we had been carried to an sizable peak. It vibrated in the environment. The least noise resounded within the vaults of heaven. Our globe, the handiest object which stuck my view in immensity, regarded equipped to be annihilated, and above us the depths of the starry skies have been misplacedin thick darkness.

I noticed my accomplice rise up before me.

“The hour is come!” he stated. “We must die. we're rejected of men. They despise us. let us crush them!”

“Mercy!” I cried.

“allow us to cut these cords! permit this vehicle be abandoned in area. The attractive pressure will change its route, and we shall technique the solar!”

depression galvanized me. I threw myself upon the madman, we struggled collectively, and a horrible battle passed off. however i used to be thrown down, and while he held me below his knee, the madman become cutting the cords of the car.

“One!” he cried.

“My God!”

“two! three!”

I made a superhuman effort, rose up, and violently repulsed the madman.


the auto fell, however I instinctively clung to the cords and hoisted myself into the meshes of the netting.

The madman disappeared in area!

The balloon became raised to an immeasurable top. A terrible cracking became heard. The gas, an excessive amount ofdilated, had burst the balloon. I shut my eyes–

some instants after, a moist warm temperature revived me. i used to be within the midst of clouds on fire. The balloon grew to become over with dizzy speed. Taken by way of the wind, it made one hundred leagues an hour in a horizontal direction, the lightning flashing around it.

in the meantime my fall became no longer a totally rapid one. once I opened my eyes, I saw the u . s .. i used to be miles from the sea, and the tempest turned into riding me violently closer to it, whilst an abrupt surprise pressured me to loosen my maintain. My arms opened, a wire slipped rapidly among my palms, and i found myself on the solid earth!

It was the twine of the anchor, which, sweeping along the surface of the floor, become stuck in a crevice; and my balloon, unballasted for the closing time, careered off to lose itself past the ocean.

when I came to myself, i used to be in mattress in a peasant’s cottage, at Harderwick, a village of los angeles Gueldre, fifteen leagues from Amsterdam, on the seashores of the Zuyder-Zee.

A miracle had stored my life, but my voyage have been a sequence of imprudences, devoted with the aid of a lunatic, and ihad now not been able to prevent them.

may this terrible narrative, although instructing people who study it, now not discourage the explorers of the air.

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